Efthymia-Themis Moraitou
Efthymia-Themis Moraitou graduated from the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art of the Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens in 2014. As a student, volunteer and finally professional she worked in organized laboratories on artworks conservation, as well as in situ on historic buildings wall paintings preservation and restoration. Due to her strong interest on the application of new technologies on Cultural Sector, she continued her studies and in 2017 she received the MSc in Cultural Informatics and Communication from the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean, majoring on the Design of Digital Cultural Products. Her dissertation focused on the knowledge representation and semantic search using ontology on the domain of artworks conservation. Today, she is a PhD candidate of the Department on the field of semantic technologies on the Cultural Heritage Preservation domain. She is interested in knowledge representation, ontological engineering, semantic web and services, metadata, LOD and digitization applications on Cultural Heritage.